Naomi Thorne
Naomi comes with over 30 years of experience in transformative leadership of local churches in both Western Australia and Victoria, leading them to greater effectiveness in mission. She has a talent for connecting and developing leaders around a shared vision of healthy mission-focused churches. Naomi’s additional experience in leading retreats, conferences and mission ventures reflects her collaborative kingdom-based approach to mission and ministry.
Naomi's pastoral experience across a variety of denominations and ministry settings is complimented by formal qualifications in Chaplaincy, Christian Ministry and Professional/Pastoral Supervision. She is currently an ordained Pastor within the Churches of Christ.
Naomi's particular speciality is supervising, coaching and consulting with Pastors in regional and rural settings and her ‘sweet spot’ is supporting women who lead.
As a Pastor she enthusiastically champions on other church leaders, her lived leadership experience is evident in her passion for discipleship, leadership development and self-care.