Louisa De Bruyn
Louisa has led and served at the local church (that she planted) for the past 18 years. She has a proven track record in leadership and a driving passion for discipleship, and she wants to see everyone apprenticed to Jesus. Her love of God and belief that Christ came to give life and life abundantly influences every area of her life.
Louisa is passionate about leadership and continually places herself in a learning space to grow and develop. She holds her Masters in Christian Spirituality, trained in Professional Pastoral Supervision, Mentoring, and Marriage coaching and is currently studying at Richmont University in Spiritual Direction. It is out of the overflow of her learning and application that she wants to share and impart to others practical, workable strategies that will produce life transformation.
Louisa lives and breathes to see the Kingdom of God expand through healthy, vibrant churches. To this end, Louisa willingly invests herself in the lives of others, including Pastors and Leaders, for their spiritual health, personal discipleship and leadership growth.
A burning question that drives Louisa is, ‘How do we practice and apply the knowledge we have learned?’ and see the abundant life Christ promised.