Joel Kettleton
Joel has served in ministry over the last 20 years in a variety of contexts across Victoria and Tasmania. He led a multi-site church in southeast Tasmania that included church planting, revitalisation, and team ministry. He has experience in leading churches in regional and small communities. Outside of Church ministry he has held roles in workplace pastoral support with a state government department and leading a not-for-profit working with combat sports across Australia.
Joel is a trained Pastoral Supervisor (Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision), ordained Anglican Priest (Bachelor of Theology), and holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies). He has training in leadership and management, as well as sports chaplaincy.
Joel works with Partners in Ministry supporting Christian leaders across Australia through Pastoral Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring.
He is also a Church Consultant, helping assess the health of churches and in strategic planning.
He has a passion for the Church and its leaders: to see the Church share the Good News of Jesus with the communities around them, and to assist leaders work effectively from a place of health.